New Zealand is in a new stage of the measures taken to control COVID-19.
We are all facing lockdown measures that will stay in place for a number of weeks, but we are here to help you and your family in case of need.
Distinct Funeral Services remains open as an essential service.
If a death occurs during this period, please, contact us on:
Office: 03 218 9468
Anneke: 021 362 426
AJ: 021 191 5125
From the New Zealand Government
Funerals and tangi (
Funeral directors provide essential services and will continue working during Level 4. However, gathering together for funerals and tangi is not permitted while New Zealand is at Alert Level 4.
This may be a challenging time for you and your family. If you ever feel you are not coping, it is important to talk with a health professional. For support, you can call or text 1737 – free, anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – to talk with a trained counsellor.
Find out more about funerals and tangi.